
In Food item, Information, Pepper (spice) by Sue Marshall

Fitting into the legume category, beans are considered to be a food group of their own in Brazil.

Recent research has linked bean intake to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and many types of cardiovascular disease. Further research has shown that black beans provide special support for digestive tract health, and particularly colon health. Other than in soybeans, the fat in beans is practically non-existent.

Besides fibre, protein and other nutrients, beans are rich in iron (which can help prevent anaemia), magnesium (important for heart and bone health) and B vitamins (especially folic acid, which helps prevent cancer, heart disease and birth defects).

So, beans are high in protein, which fills you up, as well as being low in calories. What they are however, if full of carbs. First off, there are a lot of beans, the nutritional content of which varies a little, but in the main they average 75% carbs, 20% protein and 5% fat.

A typical serving (a cup full of cooked beans) would be – on average – about 40 carbs. Watch out for tinned, baked beans, as they will be higher – Boston baked beans are cooked with molasses and salt pork, so they’re sugary and salty. Canadians add maple syrup. Heinz, which has been selling tinned baked haricot beans for more than two centuries, have branched out with other flavours, heading to Mexico and India for inspiration.

British beans

Back on British shores, Christina Baskerville, is the managing director of gourmet meal specialists Easy Bean. She points out that beans and legumes come in a wonderful variety of tastes and textures and are one of our most important sources of protein, nutrients and vitamins. They are also good for the environment because they add vital nitrogen to the soil as they grow. She says, “Beans are eaten all over the world and are central to traditional recipes in many continents. They can be used to create really tasty meals quickly, easily and deliciously. Some people think of beans as a plain ingredient but it’s important not to underestimate them. When cooked in even quite simple recipes they can be turned into something truly delicious.”

The Easy Bean range includes Mexican, French, Indian, Spanish, African and Italian recipes with a different variety of bean in each pot. And what is a good food without a national day in its honour.

Food features and recipes like this appear in the Desang Diabetes Magazine, our free-to-receive digital journal. We cover diabetes news, diabetes ‘kit’ and information on food suitable for maintaining good blood glucose control or a diabetic diet, including a regular Making Carbs Count column. It’s free! Go to the top of this page to sign up – we just need your email address. See current and past issues at

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